Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4 is suitable for BMW Locksmith Technician who is looking to have a startup solution for BMW keys programming (with HexTag for free).Autohex II HW4 and the essential features needed to program BMW keys for E and F series, solving all cases including all keys lost

offer top quality Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Wholesale Top quality BENZ ECOM DoIP Diagnostic and Programming Tool, Super DSP3+ Odometer Correction Tool, VAS 5054A ODIS GM Tech2, Scania VCI3

images of Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

Original Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4

this tool do not accept return for refund, just accept one year warrantry for repair, please know this.

Top 13 Reasons to Get Autohex II BMW Lite Locksmith with HW4:

1. Read old ISN in BMW E series for following Ecus: D62M57A0, D62M57B0, D60PSA0, D50M57A0, D50M57E1, D60M47A0, D60M57A0, MEV9N46L, ME9N45, ME9N62, ME9E65_6, N73_L0, N73_R0, ME9N62_2, MSV70, MS450DS0, N62_TUE, N62_TUE2.

2. Read Long ISN (SK) in BMW E series from following Ecus: MSV80, MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD85Y, MSS60, MEVD176K, ME17N45, MED17_2, MED17_2N, MEV17_2, MEV17N46, MEVD174K, MEVD174KW, MV1722, MVD1722, MEVD172, MEVD1724, MEVD1725, MEVD172Y, MEVD17KW, D70N47A0, D70N47B0, D71N47A0, D71N47B0, D71N47C0, D71N47D0, D72N47A0, D72N47B0, D73N47A0, D73N57A0, D73N57B0, D73N57C0, D73N57D0

3. Read Long ISN (SK) in BMW F series from following Ecus: MEVD172Y, MEVD172, MEVD1724, MEVD1725, N63TU_L0, N63TU_R0, S63TU_L0, S63TU_R0
4. CAS1, CAS2, CAS3 and CAS3+ read only ISN and SK
5. Key Programming For E and F series (CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 ,CAS4+, FEM, BDC)
6. Do diagnose and service functions from Autohex II (Read and erase fault codes, data stream values, activations, reset adaptation,...)
7. Use BMW ISTA-D on Autohex II WVCI (BMW ISTA-D Driver)
8. Unlock secrity of BDC and FEM to able to: Change BDC and FEM VIN, Change BDC and FEM ISN, Mileage Reset for BDC and FEM, and making a key for BDC and FEM.
9. Read ISN of MSD85, MSD87, MSV90 in F series.
10. Read and write CAS 1,2,3,4 EEPROM and FLASH 100% safely using HexTag tool.
11. Read and write other modules from BMW,Mercedes, Audi, and others BDM protocol by HexTag tool.
12. Modify KOMBI Mileage by HexTag tool.

13. Renew all BMW keys, and many other brands by HexTag tool.

What you miss in this Kit:

BMW E Series, F Series and G Series online Ecu Programming and Manual coding (can be ordered later)
Modify ISN/SK in DME, DDE and CAS by OBD (can be ordered later)
Reset EGS 6HP/8HP EWS (can be ordered later)
Ecu Coding, and Vehicle Order managing (can be ordered later)
ISN Reading from Tricore Ecus by boot mode. (can be ordered later)

Package List:

Autohex II Hardware WVCI HW4
The powerful HexTag BDM and Key programmer.
BMW Software Lite Locksmith License
Key Programming License
BMW ISTA/D driver to run dealer software
1 Year Technical Support
1 Year Hardware Warranty

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